Throat Infection
Belladonna: Used for throat infections with sudden onset, intense redness, and a dry, burning sensation.
Mercurius Solubilis: Used for throat infections with swollen tonsils, excessive salivation, and a constant desire to swallow.
Phytolacca Decandra (Phytolacca): Used for throat infections with intense pain radiating to the ears. The throat may be dark red or purple.
Hepar Sulphuris: Used for throat infections with extreme sensitivity to cold air and a tendency to develop abscesses.
Apis Mellifica: Used for throat infections with swelling and a stinging, burning sensation.
Lachesis: Used for throat infections with left-sided symptoms and aggravation from swallowing.
Arsenicum Album: Used for throat infections with a burning sensation and restlessness.
Baryta Carbonica: Used for recurrent throat infections in children.
Ferrum Phosphoricum: Used for throat infections with a mild, low-grade fever and redness.
Kali Bichromicum: Used for throat infections with stringy, tough mucus and a tendency to form ulcers.