Belladonna: Used for sudden, intense headaches that come on rapidly with throbbing pain. The person's face may be red and hot, and they may be sensitive to light and noise.
Bryonia Alba (Bryonia): Used for headaches that worsen with movement and are relieved by lying still and applying pressure. The pain is typically sharp, bursting, and may be accompanied by irritability.
Gelsemium: Used for headaches that develop slowly, with a heavy, dull feeling in the head and neck. The person may feel dizzy, drowsy, and have drooping eyelids.
Natrum Muriaticum (Nat Mur): Used for headaches that feel like a hammering or bursting pain, often triggered by emotional stress. The person may feel better in a quiet, dark room.
Nux Vomica: Used for headaches triggered by overindulgence, alcohol, or stimulants. The person may feel irritable, sensitive to light and noise, and experience nausea.
Pulsatilla: Used for headaches that change location, are worse in a warm room, and improve with fresh air and gentle motion. The person may be weepy and seek comfort and sympathy.
Sepia: Used for headaches associated with hormonal changes, such as menstrual migraines. The pain may be a heavy, pressing sensation with irritability.
Sanguinaria Canadensis (Sanguinaria): Used for right-sided headaches that start in the back of the head and move to the right eye or temple. The person may experience nausea and vomiting.
Spigelia: Used for headaches that are throbbing, especially around the left eye and temples. The person may feel better lying on the right side and worse from movement or touch.
Silicea (Silica): Used for headaches with a feeling of pressure at the back of the head, as if it were in a vise. The person may experience nausea and be sensitive to cold.