Arnica Montana: One of the most well-known remedies for injuries and trauma. It is often indicated for bruising, soreness, and shock due to falls, blows, or accidents.
Hypericum Perforatum (Hypericum): Used for injuries to nerve-rich areas, such as fingers, toes, and spine. It is indicated for shooting, intense pain, and injuries with nerve involvement.
Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus Tox): Used for sprains, strains, and injuries to muscles and tendons. It is indicated for pain that is worse upon initial movement but improves with continued motion.
Ruta Graveolens: Used for injuries to ligaments, tendons, and bones. It is often indicated for overuse injuries and can be helpful for joint pain.
Ledum Palustre: Used for puncture wounds, insect bites, and injuries with a bluish or blackish appearance. It can help reduce swelling and bruising.
Bellis Perennis: Used for deep tissue injuries, especially to the abdomen and breasts. It is indicated for bruising and soreness.
Symphytum Officinale: Used for bone injuries and fractures. It can promote healing of bone tissue.
Apis Mellifica: Used for injuries with swelling, redness, and stinging pain. It can be helpful for insect bites and allergic reactions.
Staphysagria: Used for wounds and incisions, especially after surgery. It can help promote healing and reduce pain.
Calcarea Phosphorica (Calc Phos): Used for slow-healing fractures and injuries to bones, especially in growing children.