Arsenicum Album: Used for asthma with wheezing, anxiety, and restlessness. The person may feel better from warm drinks.
Ipecacuanha: Used for asthma with persistent cough, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. The person may have nausea or vomiting.
Natrum Sulphuricum: Used for asthma triggered by changes in weather or dampness. The person may have difficulty breathing with a rattling cough.
Spongia Tosta (Roasted Sponge): Used for asthma with dry, barking cough and difficulty breathing. The person may feel worse from lying down.
Antimonium Tartaricum: Used for asthma with rattling, loose cough and difficulty expelling mucus. The person may feel better from sitting up.
Bromium: Used for asthma triggered by exposure to allergens, such as dust or fumes.
Nux Vomica: Used for asthma triggered by overexertion, stress, or exposure to irritants.
Blatta Orientalis (Indian Cockroach): Used for asthma with difficulty breathing and a feeling of weight on the chest.
Grindelia Robusta: Used for asthma with difficulty in breathing, especially in children.
Dulcamara: Used for asthma triggered by cold and damp weather.